Acupuncture for Life
Olga Eremeyev, L. Ac
Please call us if you have questions about how acupunture works for conditions not listed here.
Adjunctive acupuncture treatment to chemotherapy and radiation and related complications (treatment program designed by Olga based on years of working with cancer patients)
Allergies, asthma
Anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress management
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Chronic and acute joint and muscle pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic hiccups
Chronic sinusitis
Complications of radiation and chemotherapy
Diabetes and related complications
Digestive disorders
Eczema and other skin disorders
Fertility treatment- not simply as a complementary therapy to IVF, but an independent treatment program
Gynecological: infertility, PMS, menopausal syndromes
Heart problems and blood pressure
Intercostal Neuralgia
Liver and gallbladder diseases
Lower back pain, sciatica
Multiple Sclerosis*
Muscle Atrophy
Pediatrics: eyesight, enuresis, asthma
Parkinson's Disease*
Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (shingles)
Recovery from Lyme Disease and post-surgical complications
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sickle Cell Anemia
Smoking (quitting)
Tendinitis (tennis elbow, etc)
Tourette's Syndrome
Urinary Tract Infection
Vision Problems
Vocal cord problems
Weight control
Whooping cough
* Continued acupuncture treatment helped to stop progression of these diseases in several patients.